Art and Culture Council

The Arts and Culture Council is elected by the town council at the beginning of the election period and provides advice on cultural matters. The council also appoints a municipal artist and grants art and culture grants according to the rules approved by the municipal council.

The members of the council are:

Elísabet Sveinsdóttir, formaður
Elvar Helgason
Helga Hauksdóttir
Ísabella Leifsdóttir
Jónas Skúlason
Margrét Ásta Arnarsdóttir ob.
Margrét Tryggvadóttir ob.

The council’s employee is Soffía Karlsdóttir, director of cultural affairs in Kópavogur.

Substitutes are:

Eva Sjöfn Helgadóttir ob.
Hanna Carla Jóhannsdóttir
Kolbeinn Reginsson
Kristín Hermannsdóttir
Sigrún Ingólfsdóttir
Sounia I. Georgsdóttir
Þóra Marteinsdóttir ob.

Cultural grants and policy

Every year, the town of Kópavogur supports individuals, groups and festivals from the town’s art and culture fund. 

The Art and Culture Council of Kópavogur calls for applications for grants from the Art and Culture Fund for projects the following year.

The fund’s mission is to promote cultural life in Kópavogur in accordance with the town’s cultural policy. Grants are awarded to individuals, art collectives, associations, companies and institutions in the field of art, design and architecture, which are in accordance with the cultural policy of the town of Kópavogur.

Applicants for grants must demonstrate the value of the project for the artistic and cultural scene in Kópavogur, the ability to implement the project and submit a clear budget. The Arts and Culture Council reviews all applications.

More information is provided by Soffía Karlsdóttir, director of cultural affairs in Kópavogur, via the email address: soffiakarls(at)

Árskýrslur menningarmála í kópavogi

Menningarmálaflokkur Kópavogsbæjar gefur árlega út ítarlega skýrslu um starfsemi málaflokksins á liðnu ári.

Skýrslum þessum er ætlað að fanga menningarstarfsemi Kópavogsbæjar hverju sinni, líta yfir farinn veg og setja raunhæf markmið.

Ítarlega er farið yfir starfsemi menningarstofnana Kópavogsbæjar í skýrslum þessum.


Menning í Kópavogi er með eigið firmamerki sem styrkþegar eru beðnir um að setja á kynningarefni verkefna sem styrkt hafa verið.