20.Jun 21:00 - 22:30

Davíð Þór and Eyþór Gunnarsson


Summer solstice concert with two of Iceland’s leading musicians. Davíð Þór Jónsson and Eyþór Gunnarsson have previously teamed up in improvisation to great acclaim. Here they play on two grand pianos on the brightest night of the year. Don’t miss this amazing adventure tour.

Ticket price: ISK 4900. House opens at 8pm.

“It was at the Reykjavík Jazz Festival in 2009 that Davíð Þór Jónsson and Eyþór Gunnarsson revealed their collaboration – their duality – which until then had mostly taken place behind closed doors.

It was planned that several Icelandic pianists would perform short solo programs in the Nordic House. Everyone welcomed the idea when they were approached. Davíð Þór called shortly after this was confirmed and announced that he and Eythór were going to play a duet. The jazz program director was not convinced and pointed out that there was only one grand piano in the Nordic House. “Don’t worry about it”, was the reply.

Thus began what has been compared to “an impressionistic journey of mischievous angels” (V. Linnet MBL) and “an uncertain journey on water skis in the back of an uncontrolled speedboat” (E.G. RÚV).

Pétur Grétarsson


Davíð Þór Jónsson

Eyþór Gunnarsson

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