20.May ~ 30.May

Follow us

Gerðarsafn Art Museum | Gerðarsafn Art Museum


The exhibition Follow Us introduces selected works by new and emerging designers, recently arrived on the scene. The designers have all attracted attention and excitement for their early works, each in their own field.

Coalescence and collaboration across fields is prominent, but the designers look inwards, outwards and forwards in search of new ways to deal with the subjects of today and tomorrow: Sustainability and society’s combination with man-made ecosystems; on one hand, ecological depletion of animal products and on the other, their substitutes in the nutrition cycle; performance anxiety and lack of inspiration against free play and creative force; the future of fashion and our multi-layered self-image in virtual reality and the palpable world.

Exhibitors: Information designer Anna Diljá Sigurðardóttir, architecture student Arnar Grétarsson, fashion designer Arnar Már Jónsson, fashion designer Helga Lára Halldórsdóttir, textile designer Jóna Berglind Stefánsdóttir, fiction designer Sigríður Birna Matthíasdóttir, graphic designer Steinarr Ingólfsson and product designer Valdís Steinarsdóttir.

Curator is Sara Jónsdóttir, Ex-DesignMarch-Director.

Meet the designers in the museum!

During the weekend 22nd-23rd May the designers will be in the museum and available for questions and short talks with guests.

22nd May- Saturday
13:00-15:00 Anna Diljá, Arnar Grétarsson
15:00-17:00 Sigríður Birna, Sól Hansdóttir

23rd May- Sunday
13:00-15:00 Arnar Már, Búi Bjarmar, Sigríður Birna
15:00-17:00 Anna Diljá, Valdís Steinarsdóttir


Anna Diljá Sigurðardóttir upplýsingahönnuður, Arnar Grétarsson arkitektúrnemi, Arnar Már Jónsson fatahönnuður, Búi Bjarmar Aðalsteinsson vöruhönnuður, Sigríður Birna Matthíasdóttir hönnuður, Sólveig Hansdóttir fatahönnuður, Steinarr Ingólfsson grafískur hönnuður og Valdís Steinarsdóttir vöruhönnuður.


Sara Jónsdóttir

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Gerðarsafn Art Museum

Gerðarsafn Art Museum

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