11.Nov 13:00 - 15:00

Gerðarsafn Art Museum | Gerðarsafn Art Museum

A lantern workshop for the whole family

In this pleasant time of togetherness, children and families can come together and make multi-colored lanterns that light up the interior and the exterior, when the darkest time of the year is approaching. All materials will be on site, entry is free and everyone is welcome. November 11 is St. Martin’s Day, but in the Middle Ages that day marked the beginning of winter and short days.

One of the symbolic traditions of that day is the lantern procession, where children walk singing through the streets with small lanterns that they like to make themselves; the lights illuminate the darkness and the cold. Martin was a bishop in the city of Tours in France in the fourth century before Christ, known for his modesty, modesty and goodness of heart, protector of the poor and downtrodden. He did military service as a young man, but the story is famous because he walked in full military uniform to a cold and driven beggar at the gates of the city of Tours. Martin felt sorry for the poor man, cut his coat in half with his sword and clothed the beggar in one half. The next night, Jesus appeared to Martein in a dream, dressed in a beggar’s coat, but from then on, Martein resigned from military service and devoted his life to charity instead. Family sessions on Saturdays are sponsored by the Arts and Culture Council of Kópavogsbær.

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Gerðarsafn Art Museum

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Gerðarsafn Art Museum

Gerðarsafn Art Museum
Gerðarsafn Art Museum

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