About MEKÓ

In Kópavogur you can find a vibrant cultural scene. In the heart of the municipality you can find the towns five cultural institutions; Salurinn,  Gerðarsafn Art Musem, Kópavogur Natural History Museum, Kópavogur Public Library and the Regional Archives. MEKÓ stands for Culture in Kópavogur and reflects the culture policy of Kópavogur, which includes three main focus points.

1. Kópavogur emphasizes that cultural activities are accessible to all residents.

2. Kópavogur protects the uniqueness and professional work of it’s cultural houses.

3. Kópavogur emphasizes extensive cooperation with residents, fields and departments of Kópavogur’s infrastructure and artists, scientists and academics from different fields.

The culture policy of Kópavogur is based on the overall strategy of the municipality, which consists of mission, vision, values and overarching goals derived from the United Nations Global Sustainable Development Goals. When creating the cultural policy, other policies of Kópavogur were taken into account. The policy is published on the website of the town of Kópavogur and the websites of the town’s cultural institutions. The cultural policy was prepared in collaboration with the Arts and Culture Council and the cultural affairs staff. The policy was approved by the Arts and Culture Council and presented to the committees and councils of all departments. The draft policy was posted in a consultation portal for residents where suggestions were requested. The policy was approved at a meeting of the town council on May 5th, 2022.

Árskýrslur menningarmála í kópavogi

Menningarmálaflokkur Kópavogsbæjar gefur árlega út ítarlega skýrslu um starfsemi málaflokksins á liðnu ári.

Skýrslum þessum er ætlað að fanga menningarstarfsemi Kópavogsbæjar hverju sinni, líta yfir farinn veg og setja raunhæf markmið.

Ítarlega er farið yfir starfsemi menningarstofnana Kópavogsbæjar í skýrslum þessum.


Í byrjun september 2020 gaf menningarmálaflokkur Kópavogsbæjar í fyrsta skipti út menningartímarit. 

Tímaritið þótti tilvalin leið til að miðla upplýsingum um menningarstarfið í bæjarfélaginu á skemmtilegan og líflegan hátt. 

Tímaritinu var dreift í öll hús í Kópavogi fyrstu tvö árin en árið 2022 var ákveðið að bjóða fólki að nálgast blaðið á hinum ýmsu stöðum í Kópavogi, þ.á.m. í menningarhúsum bæjarins. 

Ritstjóri tímaritsins er Íris María Stefánsdóttir markaðs- og kynningarstjóri MEKÓ og Brynhildur Björnsdóttir fjölmiðlakona hefur séð um greinaskrif.

MEKÓ logo

Culture in Kópavogur has its own corporate logo, which grantees are asked to put on promotional material for projects that have been funded.