Strawberry secrets
Strawberry Secrets is an installation of ceramic sculptures, whose creation was summoned by strawberry spirits. They have surfaced in these works to whisper together a secret. Upon close careful observation the viewer may begin to hear inaudible whispers from the many faces, a song from the essence of late summer sweetness. Jasa Baka creates Eventful […]
Guided tour
Ólafur Gíslason art historian will lead guests through the exhibition, Fora, Saturday 19th June at 2 p.m. in Gerðarsafn. All are welcome.Please note that the talk will be given in Icelandic. Rósa Gísladóttir’s three-dimensional works explore the derivation of forms and their transcendence of meaning throughout history, modern-day materials and the struggles of consumerism. Often […]
Artist talk
Rósa Gísladóttir will have an artist talk on Sunday 9th July at 2 p.m. All are warmly welcome. Please note the talk will be in Icelandic. Entering Rósa Gísladóttir’s exhibition, we seem to be experiencing an ancient meeting place and in the ruins of the future at the same time. The galleries are calm. The […]
Exhibition of the work of Icelandic artist Rósa Gísladóttir.
Curator talk with Daría Sól Andrews
Welcome to a curator talk with Daría Sól Andrews Thursday 18th May (International Museum Day) at 2 p.m. Admission is free to the event and to the museum on International Museum Day.All are welcome! The artists of Tracing Fragments, who here trace their fragments are all telling stories that once would have been silenced. The […]
GERÐUR permanent exhibition
A permanent exhibition on the works of sculptor Gerður Helgadóttir (1928-1975) which Gerðarsafn is founded in honour of. The exhibition sheds light on the creativity, avant-garde and experimentalism of the artist, the complexity of the works and a wide range of materials. Gerður Helgadóttir was a prolific artist and a pioneer in three-dimensional abstract art in […]
Ævintýraheimur, íhugull og vakandi, forvitinn og frjór.
Sýning á verkum íslenskra listamanna sem voru í forystu geómetrískrar abstraktlistar á 6. áratugnum. Var þetta í fyrsta sinn í íslenskri listasögu sem hópur íslenskra listamanna var samstíga því sem var að gerast á alþjóðavettvangi.
Tracing Fragments
Samsýning listamanna frá Íslandi, Mexikó, Pakistan, Bandaríkjunum, Grænlandi, Danmörku, Noregi, Nígeríu, og Finnlandi.
We can talk
Platform GÁTT er samstarfsverkefni fimm stórra þverfaglegra listahátíða og stofnana á Norðurlöndum sem hefur verið starfrækt frá árinu 2019.
Normality is the new avant-garde
13.01.2017 – 12.03.2017 The exhibition NORMALITY IS THE NEW AVANT-GARDE considers manifestations of the everyday in Icelandic contemporary art. The objective of the show is to establish conceptual and visual connections between works by artists of different generations – who nonetheless share the attribute of alluding to and working with the broad semiotics of the […]
The exhibition Embody is a meditation on the human body as manifested in contemporary art. The exhibition presents selected works by artists who share the common factor of referencing the body and embodiment in various ways. The guiding principle of the exhibition is the human being as a physical body that experiences, responds to and interacts with […]