Mask Factory

Let’s enjoy creating together all kinds of masks from varied and colorful materials. Cardboard plates, pipe cleaners, glitter and feathers. The oldest mask ever found is around 9000 years old. The tradition is rich and has a lot of meaning. Masks help spark the child’s imagination and give the child the opportunity to step into […]

Ordinary Places | Joe Keys and Haraldur Jónsson at Museum night

The artists Joe Keys and Haraldur Jónsson guide visitors through their work at the exhibition Ordinary Places in Gerðarsafn. Admission is free and everyone is welcome while space allows. — In the exhibition Ordinary Places, Ívars Brynjólfsson’s photographs are in conversation with the works of Emma Heiðarsdóttir, Haraldur Jónsson, Joe Keys and Tine Bek; art […]

Guided Talk I Ordinary Places

Given an insight into the exhibition Ordinary Places in Gerðarsafn. All are welcome while space allows and entry is free. ———————— The exhibition displays Ívars Brynjólfsson’s photographs in conversation with the works of Emma Heiðarsdóttir, Haraldar Jónsson, Joe Keys, Kristínar Sigurðardóttir, Lukas Kindermann, Ragnheiðar Gestsdóttir and Tine Bek. The artists of the exhibition have one […]

Guided Talk I Ordinary Pictures

Given an insight into the exhibition Ordinary Pictures in Gerðarsafn. All are welcome while space allows and entry is free. ———— The exhibition Ordinary Pictures presents Ívars Brynjólfsson’s photographs in conversation with the works of Emma Heiðarsdóttir, Haraldur Jónsson, Joe Keys, Kristína Sigurðardóttir, Lukas Kindermann, Ragnheiður Gestsdóttir and Tine Bek. The artists of the exhibition […]

Guided Exhibition Talk | Unnar Örn Auðarson

Unnar Örn Auðarson, an artist, will be a guide for the exhibition Ordinary Places and review the exhibition for visitors. Unnar Örn graduated in 1999 from the Icelandic School of Art and Handicrafts and completed his postgraduate studies at Malmö University of the Arts in 2003. In his art, Unnar Örn works with narratives and […]

Art and Nature

Simple workshops or guidance for children will now be offered on Wednesdays from 3-5pm in Gerðarsafn. The project is in collaboration with Kópavogur’s Natural History Center and is called Art and Nature. The purpose is to create time and space for family time together after kindergarten or school. Þorgerður, Hulda and Sævar manage the workshops. […]

A look into the Museum’s Collection

On Museum Night there is a unique opportunity to look around in Gerðarsafn’s art collection. Cecilie Cedet Gaiehede, Gerðarsafn’s museum’s collection project manager, offers a guided tour of a space that is generally hidden from ordinary museum visitors.

Together | Polish Art Workshop

Join us for a multilingual art workshop that brings cultures together through Polish paper cutting tradition! Wycinanka, a traditional Polish folk art of paper cutting, has been practiced for centuriesmas a form of decoration. This craft involves the cutting of paper into intricate designs, often inspired by nature, geometric patterns, and scenes of everyday rural […]

Sculpture & Smörre

SCULPTURE AND SMÖRRE is a cozy evening at Gerðarsafn for adults where we work on making sculptures, from an idea to a work of art. The art workshop is a fun and creative experience under the guidance of an artist who will lead visitors into the world of sculpture. The evening includes access to the […]

Opening | Ordinary Places

Elliheimili - Ívar Brynjólfsson

Welcome to the opening of the exhibition Ordinary Places in Gerðarsafn on Saturday, January 13th at 3pm. The photograph is an amazing phenomenon. So amazingly flat, just a dot on paper or screen. Trapped in the second dimension, where both her magic and limitations can be found. Yet it evokes a sense of space and […]

Exhibition halls on the second floor are closed

Exhibition halls on the second floor are closed as the exhibition Sculpture/Sculpture is being taken down. The exhibition Ordinary Places will open on January 13th where Ívar Brynjólfsson’s photos are engaged in a dialogue with the works of Emma Heiðarsdóttir, Haraldur Jónsson, Joe Keys and Tine Bek.

Felufélagar Shadow Theater Workshop with ÞYKJÓ

In the Felufélagar shadow theater workshop, families create shadow puppets inspired by animals that hide in the sea and on land. Families learn about the magic of shadow theater and try making their creatures travel through different ecosystems at the end of the workshop. The workshop is intended for children from the age of 4 […]