Biting an apple, experiencing isolation, developent of superorganisms and seismosensory systems in fish from Lake Baikal… These are just some of the elements that intersect with Gerður Helgadóttir’s practice to produce the variety of works seen in this show. Gerðarsafn invited MA students from the Iceland University of the Arts and the University of Iceland […]
SHELLter (a play on the words shell and shelter) is a designed as a sanctuary for children and grown-ups alike to find peace and quiet in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The three spaces are inspired by tortoises, snails, shellfish and other animals who can retreat into their shell when they need to. […]
Follow us
20.05.2021-30.05.2021 The exhibition Follow Us introduces selected works by new and emerging designers, recently arrived on the scene. The designers have all attracted attention and excitement for their early works, each in their own field. Coalescence and collaboration across fields is prominent, but the designers look inwards, outwards and forwards in search of new ways to deal […]
Ad Infnitum in Gerðarsafn is a thought-provoking collaboration between visual artist Elín Hansdóttir and composer/sound artist Úlfur Hansson. Together, the Icelandic duo (and siblings) explore subtle phenomenological aspects of spatial orientation. Hansdóttir and Hansson invite the viewer to dwell in a liminal space that evades concrete meaning but foregrounds the embodied awareness of being present in an environment. Elín Hansdóttir’s immersive installations leverage […]
08-18 (Past Perfect) | Santiago Mostyn
In this newly conceived exhibition at Gerðarsafn, Santiago Mostyn presents a constellation of photographic and moving-image works created across the Black Atlantic, focusing on sites of personal significance for the artist. The photo series 08–18 (Past Perfect), presented here for the first time, was created over a decade of returns to Trinidad, Zimbabwe, Grenada, the United States, and Scandinavia. Sections of the gallery will be hung with wallpaper treated to a cyanotype process, which will shift and […]
Status Check
The exhibition Status Check provides an insight into the minds and hopes of ten visual artists and writers of the same generation which are prominent in their own field. The exhibition does not claim to be a comprehensive survey of the status of contemporary art and literature. It rather focuses on the artists’ personal experience of their […]
Spin| Hanna Dís Whitehead
Hanna Dís Whitehead takes another spin on previous works where interesting materials, colours, shapes and history are mixed together in a new way. The energy of a chain reaction leads the process, one idea pushes the next. Sometimes it would be ideal to take another spin on old ideas with new knowledge in your pocket. […]
Debatable Lands: Dialogues from Shared Worlds
11.09.2021-09.01.2022 Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson 2001-2021 A mid-career retrospective of the 20-year collaboration between artists Bryndís Snæbjörnsdóttir and Mark Wilson. Snæbjörnsdóttir/Wilson approach their collective art partnership with an ecological and pluralistic view. In a research-based practice they prompt discussion and thought about our changing world, and our own human role in those changes. Related themes of human and […]
Einar Garibaldi and Kristján Steingrímur have been prominent on the Icelandic art scene and have also worked in the Academy of the Arts and other art schools. It is a pleasure to be able to show the results of their recent work and, in the same exhibition, to show older works, drawings, sketches and photographs […]
After All
After All is a group exhibition with works by twelve contemporary Icelandic artists. The works have been selected based on how the beauty in the everyday, lightness, humour and playfulness appear in them. The exhibition is a response to the present situation in society, a reflection on what matters in the present and a contribution to […]
Forty Senses IUA
Forty Senses (Fjörutíu skynfæri) is the title of the IUA graduation exhibition of students in design and architecture 2020. The show features projects by students, graduating from the Department of Design and Architecture at the Iceland University of the Arts in June 2020. The projects are the final output from a three-year study process, expressing students’ […]
ALDA er áhrifarík innsetning á mörkum dans og myndlistar, flutt af hópi kvendansara, þar sem danshöfundurinn Katrín Gunnarsdóttir sækir í sögu líkamlegrar vinnu kvenna og skoðar sérstaklega endurteknar hreyfingar og söngva, með það að markmiði að skapa aðstæður fyrir nána kvenlæga samveru, samhug og samruna.